Grandma McFarland
My Grandma has been gone for five years now. I miss her everyday. It's getting harder to remember all the details of our time together. Most of my favorite memories are when I was little and visiting her house with my siblings, swimming climbing trees and having fun in the sun. I wanted to share a few pictures of her before I knew her, and as the Grandma I remember.
Here she is as a late teenager (?), it's the picture they used on the program of her memorial service. She was so beautiful!

Below is a picture of her at 16, probably in either Hurricane Utah (where she was born) or California... Dad would know.

And here is the Grandma I remember!!!

Here is a picture of her and I at the memorial wall they put up in town for a weekend. Vietnam memorial wall?

Below, me and Jena dressed up in her scarves and flower hair pins.

Eating breakfast in the living room at our tiny table.

Here we are dressed up in her dresses and hats and purses and high heels. Jordan was always a willing participant too, although we never seemed to get any pictures of him in her clothes. It looks like we didn't wear the wigs this time, however they were played with all the time! (The wigs in the closet.)

And finally the swimming pool in the front yard. We would swim round and around making a whirl pool. One time Jordan had gotten in trouble, and Grandma was after him with a pin, and he got in the middle of the pool. She said, "You think I wont come in there after you?" She didn't even pause to pull up her pants, she just hopped right in and went after him!

We always had the big beach towels to lay out on the small hill in the front yard and get warm after swimming.

So many memories that I cherish are associated with this wonderful woman and her influence in my life. I hope with the passing years her memories stay with me, and I can think about them from time to time and smile. I can't forget her for too long, since she is my new baby boy's name sake.
Iris Gibson McFarland
June 7, 1924-February 2, 2006
1 comment:
I love it, Jamie. What a great way to remember her. And you know, I dressed up Jared lots too but never got a picture. Lucky boys. :)
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