I have been getting ready for baby. Zack and I are so excited for this baby to come! Nick is also getting excited about the idea of the baby in my tummy coming out. He talks about it all day, and what the baby will do when he comes out. :)
We have all been enjoying the summer, but not taking many pictures. I guess when you are having so much fun, it's hard to stop and think to document it. I can't believe it is already September. I'm almost seven months along already (at the end of the month). I have to find a new doctor too... mine is giving up his practice to work one day at a hospital u[ in SLC, so I have to find someone new to deliver this baby. He delivered Nick, and I really liked his style. I'm not looking forward to getting used to a new doctor so late in my pregnancy. Pooh.
Below is a sleeper I made for baby. I LOVE the way it turned out. It's crocheted, and tightly, so he will be nice and warm during his winter naps.
Below is a sneak peak at his baby blanket. I usually crochet one and sew one. Almost done with this one, if I could find more of that yarn I used, having a hard time with that.
I have also made several baby hats with my loom. I plan on making several more, one yellow, and another blue one. Since it will be winter when he comes, I want to have plenty of hats on hand for his little head to keep warm.
Just a few bibs I whipped up. Then, I realized I had over 30 from Nick that I washed at straightened out. We will not have a shortage of bibs in our house anytime soon.
And here is the quilt I made him. I love the colors. I did mostly green with Nick, and this baby is turning out to have lots of blue. Sounds good to me. :)
This is a hand made mobile. I made it from drift wood I got at the ocean out by Forks, WA. My mom's idea. It turned out so cute! Thanks Mom!!
We are getting ready for you baby!!!
I have also been busy with a quilt for my Mother in law. She is turning 50 on Sunday, and I wanted to do something special for her. I made her this picture quilt with a picture of each of her 13 kids, and their first and middle names and birthdays. My mom helped me with the embroidery. And I got dad of 13 to get me the names and dates, most if which he had to look up! That is a lot of dates to remember!!! Here are some pictures of the finished product. Hope she likes it!!
I don't worry about her seeing this before she actually receives the quilt, she doesn't have much time for surfing the internet. :D
So, as you can see I have been rather busy. And, I have also been getting rather fat. (Because I'm pregnant) hahahha No pictures yet of me and my belly. I can't seem to get a good one so far.
7 MONTHS!!! Ack! How did this happen...wait, it's because you didn't tell me until 4 months. ;) Everything looks great! I need to come and visit you soon. I let you know...maybe we should see Eclipse again...I think it's at the dollar...just a thought. ;)
Oh my goodness, Jamie, I can't believe how talented and crafty you are! Why wasn't I forced to learn how to do these things when we were in young womens?!
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